Boomtober Fest Pilot Breakfast at the Hutchinson County Airport

Skyline Soiree 2024
What is a Borger Chamber Ambassador?
We're glad you asked!
The Borger Chamber Ambassador serves as goodwill representatives for the Borger Chamber of Commerce by welcoming new members at functions, attends ribbon cuttings, and encourages participation in Chamber activities.
Basic Info
The Membership committee appoints ambassadors on an annual basis (April 1st – March31st)
An Ambassador must be someone who focuses on fostering economic relationships and supporting the business community.
Ambassadors meet once a quarter 11am-12pm , 2nd Thursday of the month.
The Chamber provides one official name badge. Replacement name badges are at the Ambassador’s expense of $20. Ambassadors are expected to wear their nametags at all official Chamber events.
Ambassadors serve as hosts to Chamber events, such as luncheons etc. Ambassadors are encouraged to bring prospective members.
Attend Chamber events, including ribbon cutting
Welcome new members by way of phone or personal contact
Assist with membership development activities
Ambassadors will make a one-year commitment to the committee.
Ambassadors will attend at least 50% of Chamber events per year. Ambassadors failing to do so will be asked to resign.
Extended excused absences may be obtained by speaking with the Executive Direcctor.
Seek out other potential ambassadors.
New Ambassadors are required to attend an orientation meeting immediately.
Ambassador of the Year
Ambassador of the Month is based on the total number of points accumulated during the year. Ambassador of the year will be awarded at the annual Chamber Gala.
The following system will be used to accumulate points toward Ambassador of the year. All points will be calculated and validated based on eligibility of event and the point schedule below. Points can only be earned by the Ambassador. You cannot collect points by sending someone in your place. You must attend Events below.
A. Recruiting a New Chamber Member – 50pts
B. Attending Boomtober Festival – Total 60pts (20pts per day)
C. Ribbon Cuttings – 30pts
D. Monthly Visits to Current Chamber Member (5 per Month) – 50pts
E. Monthly Calls(10 per Month) – 50pts
F. Thank you Cook-Out – 30pts
G. Chili Cook Off (2Days) – 50pts (25pts per day)
H. Annual Gala – 40pts
I. Business Breakfast – 10pts/Business you personally invite & they attend
J. Women’s Luncheon – 10pts for every person you sign up and they attend
K. Skyline Soiree – 25pts for attending 50pts for every Couple you sign up & attend
Ambassador Rewards
**Depending on New Membership’s brought in that year Gift rewarded stated below**
1st $500
2nd $250
3rd $100
By performing these duties, a Chamber Ambassador plays a crucial role in strengthening the business environment and promoting economic growth within their community or sector.